Heat and Light


an online resource for Reformed Charismatics, Pentecostal Calvinists, & Empowered Evangelicals

Reformed Charismatic Blog-Love

The master-blogger, Adrian Warnock, has been reviewing his year thus-far.  In particular, I found his REVIEW OF THE YEAR – MY LIFE IN JUBILEE CHURCH, LONDON to be especially of interest, as it collects ALL of his excellent sermons together in one place.  It’s a great resource.

My online blog-friend, Jesse Phillips, over at Resurgence has written a multi-part, in-depth review of Sam Storm’s new book, SIGNS OF THE SPIRIT.  Though I haven’t read it yet, I own all but Sam’s two newest books, and even in part named my son after him.  That’s just to say, I’m hoping to get it for Christmas. 😉  If you’re interested in the book, you can find out more at Sam Storm’s own site.


Filed under: Adrian Warnock, Books, Calvinism, Charismatic, Christian Hedonism, Continualist, Doctrine, Emotionalism, ESSENTIAL SERMON AUDIO, FAVORITE BLOG POSTS, Holy Spirit, Jonathan Edwards, Jubilee Church, London, Reformed, Resurgence, Revival, Sam Storms, Signs of the Spirit, Theology, Tongues




I’ll have to be honest with you: I’m not a really big fan of Christmas music. There are a few artists/albums which I enjoy, such as Over the Rhine’s Snow Angels, Jars of Clay’s Christmas Songs, and Bruce Cockburn’s Christmas, but generally I find Christmas music either stale and overused, or just ridiculous and annoying. In light of those critiques, Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God become Man – though not a spotless gem – is indeed a breath of fresh air, and has been spinning almost continually since I received it over a week ago. Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under: Bob Kauflin, C.J. Mahaney, Charismatic, Doctrine, Josh Harris, Music, MY OTHER BLOGS, Reformed, Theology

Boycott TBN (blog love)

As I’m a LITTLE BIT busy with my new ‘little bit’ to dedicate much time to blogging at the moment, I thought I’d show some blog-love to my friend over at Cerulean Sanctum who wrote a solid, critical, challenging and thought-provoking article called FOLLOWING TBN OFF A CLIFF.  Well worth reading, especially for those more on the ‘charismatic’ end of the spectrum.  Enjoy – or, at least have your feathers ruffled.

Filed under: Charismatic, Contraversy, Debate, Doctrine, Emotionalism, TBN, Theology

And now introducing…

Samuel Tucker Haddon Lewis, born 4:59 A.M. on Sunday morning, December 2nd, 2007. Stretching out a full 21 inches long, and weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz, he’s very healthy, peaceful, a great eater, and let’s just say that his plumbing works, and often.

In the Bible, names are important – they means something, often acting almost like a prophecy over the individual named. Like his older brother, Daniel Kenimer Augustus, Tucker has a big name, and God-willing, that name represents his calling.

“Samuel”, at first was chosen to honor a pastor/author/Bible teacher who’s balance between the ‘Word of God’ and the ‘Spirit of God’ I find ideal: C. Samuel Storms. Sam has authored many of my favorite books, and his teaching has sent me back to the Scriptures again and again. However, after I’d already decided on that name, God led me to begin re-reading the Biblical book of 1st Samuel, and I was given a 2nd reason to give him the name: “And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.” (1st Samuel 3:19) When Tucker speaks, I want his words to have purpose and impact people, and not be like so many of mine have been – fruitless, and without impact. In both of these ways I hope that Tucker is indeed a “Samuel”.

“Tucker”, my wife’s maiden name, and the last name of her Father as well – a man respected by many, who seeks to worship and serve God to the best of his ability, whom we respect and love deeply. I believe that re-using maiden names as a first name gives a person a sense of history – a constant reminder of those who have gone before him.

“Haddon”, the middle name of the incredible pastor-teacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, more commonly known as “C. H. Spurgeon” – “the prince of preachers”. In the mid-1800s, long before sounds systems or, for that matter, ‘mega-churches’, at the age of just 22, Spurgeon pastored a church which sometimes numbered over 10,000 a Sunday! To this day his influence is second to possibly only Jonathan Edwards, another of my long-dead heros.

And “Lewis” is his direct connection to me and my mess of a history – the good and bad which I hope God will use to both glorify Himself, and to teach others, like my young Tucker, of his goodness and faithfulness, in spite of our short-comings.

I thank God for this glorious weekend…welcome to the world, and my family, young Tucker!


Filed under: C.H. Spurgeon, Fatherhood, Grace, Miracles, prophecy, Sam Storms



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